Friday, February 19, 2010

rainbow owl show...


new rainbow owl mugs drying in the sun, awaiting their handles...

new rainbow owl teapots for april show

rainbow owl thinks life is short but also long so find someone to shag, and laugh with...


  1. very nice! i like the fact that the teapots are light too, having pick up you ware before. "dollar dollar" means in the money or having the aspect of making money

  2. I love all of these...but that jar is really awesome...I want it!

  3. "having pick up you ware before" wtf does that mean jeff??

    thanks trisha deary, it'll be fo sale at the gallery soon! and you will be invited to the opening of course:) april 2nd save the date.

  4. Hi Shannon
    The new works looks good. Can't wait to see it finished.
